Welcome to room 22

Welcome to Room 22. We are all very excited about the thrilling year ahead. We have lots of opportunities in term one that the children can take part in. From T Ball trials, Wednesday Touch, Choir and Orchestra, there is something for everyone. 

This term, in maths, we are beginning the year by looking in statistics. We will be conducting surveys and using the data to form conclusions. 

In Reading we are focusing on Making Connections. The children will be making connections with the text and their own knowledge, other text and world knowledge. 

In Writing, we will be looking at descriptive writing. The children will be learning about how to use descriptive language and how to craft an interesting piece of writing. 

In Art, we will be making self portraits. 

In Physical Education, the children will be looking at the different skills used in athletics, in preparation for the school athletics day. 

If you have any questions, concerns or just want a discussion about your child's learning, please don't hesitate to contact me, or come in for a visit before or after school. We have meetings on Monday and Tuesday, so I am generally unavailable on those days. 


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